Serving the area located within 10 miles of Mt. Tabor in Portland, Oregon, Acuvet PDX Veterinary Acupuncture and Wellness House Calls provides acupuncture and other basic services for your pet in the comfort of his or her own home, in order to alleviate the stress of a clinic visit and to optimize the therapeutic benefits of treatment.
Acuvet PDX Veterinary Acupuncture and Wellness House Calls includes acupuncture and non-emergency home care such as wellness exams, subcutaneous fluid administration and nail trims.
Acupuncture for Dogs
Dogs are very amenable to acupuncture. They are generally tolerant during insertion of needles, and patient while the needles remain in them. Sometimes they fidget during an acupuncture treatment, but more often they relax and sometimes even fall asleep. Read more…
Acupuncture for Cats
Cats are less likely than dogs to sit still for an acupuncture treatment, due to their independent and highly sensitive personalities. Still, some cats are very willing, and the benefits they receive are significant.
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Please note that Dr. Wyss is NOT a full-service or emergency veterinarian, but can advise you regarding these services.